Heart Based Living

Advance Heart Energetic Preparations


To complete this holiday series, let’s look more closely at advance heart energetic preparations. In a nutshell, using the 3 heart recipe steps you already have (review the Dec. 18th post for this), you can use your heart focus to pave the way for a smoother, more flowing experience in specific arenas.

christmas-dinnerThese advance preps can be in regard to any experience you are about to embark upon or on any interactions you will be having with various individuals or groups. For example, let’s focus on one specific day; continuing with the holiday theme, let’s say this is a day you will be gathering with lots of relatives from various locales for a special dinner. One of your relatives is particularly difficult for you to be around and you always feel a sense of uneasiness and anxiety when you know you must cross paths with this person. The morning of this dinner gathering is a perfect time to prepare in advance by using your 3 steps:

First, begin with heart-focused breathing and calling forth a positive feeling state. Then, in step 3, begin giving yourself love and compassion. Next, specifically focus on this challenging relative and send him/her love, care, compassion. This is easy to do as you have already achieved a loving caring state for yourself and a sense of spaciousness. That’s it! Notice how your interaction with this person is easier and more relaxed that evening. You can prep in this way for the entire dinner scene as well and send love in advance to everyone who will be there. It feels great and it enhances the quality of your interactions.

Another way to use this prep style could be before you travel. You can enfold the entire experience in advance with heart energy. As alluded to previously, this style of prep can be used if desired every morning in advance for all of your activities of the upcoming day.

Enjoy playing with your heart “recipe” — it is simple, yet profound in how it will benefit your life. And the especially great news is that as you practice heart-centered living for yourself, you are not only improving the quality of your own life, you are affecting the greater world with your “contagious” positive energetic frequency, thus allowing an opening for the highest possibilities to unfold for all!

Blessed Holidays and Onward to Everyone!


Note: My musings are informed by my exposure to the wonderful Institute of HeartMath with Love & Gratitude!

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